Sunday 25 July 2010


One very interesting phenomenon in this study is the exploitation or use of residential locations near the river by humans. Throughout human history in the world, in general, land, river to reside as well as the activities to fulfill their needs. This occurs because of the driving factors such as fertile soil conditions, water supply and easy to acquire and some other benefits. At some point estimate of settlement which is located on the edge of the river in some time to come will experience the disaster caused by overflow of river water flooded the area and their efforts both settlements, agricultural land, property and even claim the spirit of the population.

Natural hazards is an aspect of the interaction between humans and nature that emerged from the process that has generally tried to find and exploit nature (change of use of land) away from the lucrative and dangerous nature of their lives such as the need for land, allowing forests and wetland areas in the settlements have turned into industry.

Changes in forest land and rice fields into residential areas and service industries have a negative impact less favorable, in addition to reducing the fertility of the land changes from agricultural land into industrial and residential areas causing rain water which is usually used to irrigate the fields and seeps into the ground becomes surface runoff resulting in puddles on the settlement that ultimately affect flooding.