Monday 19 July 2010


Land is a vital natural resource. Humans need bokep land as a place of living for its survival. This needs from time to time increased along with increasing population and its development activities.
The population growth of both the natural migration is one of the causes of the growing need for housing. Needs space, road facilities, health facilities, educational facilities and other public service facilities. Increased demand requires storage space as the container of these elements. The limited availability of land often creates conflicts among various interested parties in the use of space or land. The process of land use change will take place continuously in line with population growth and increasing levels of the necessities of life. This requires some planning in order to defeat that occurred in addition to competence can achieve optimal results and to maintain environmental sustainability.
People within the business utilizes the land to increase agricultural production sometimes only look at income (income) from the results of its activities, and forget the existing natural conditions. In considering these productions in the most just look at things that can be in the value of money, such as land rent, fertilizer, medicine and the cost of land refineries. This often led to neglect the effect of his actions in the cultivation of land use for production of geomorphological processes that occur because of human interference with the management of land which includes planting, harvesting timber, on land that sloped gently sloping to steep slopes, regardless of rules of soil and water conservation. So that will eventually lead to new problems such as the occurrence of various kinds of movement never before experienced by residents in the local and surrounding population. This activity is think far ahead if they had been doing during this benefit or harm for future generations.
Damage to land during this happens very closely related to systems that manage land in land management did not pay attention to the principles of land conservation in the form of a negative influence on natural resource damage that causes increased levels of soil erosion.
Landslides can occur on the farm land which hamper shifting soil or rock smaller than the weight of soil mass, this can occur in the hills area of steep cliffs due to erosion at the base of the foot of the slope. Factors causing land erosion, among others, as follows:
  1. Topography
  2. Condition of soil or rock, including bedding structures
  3. Rainfall
  4. Earthquake
  5. Condition of forest and land usage
  6. Human activity
Underlying factors mentioned above influence each other and determine the extent of landslides and land