Wednesday 25 August 2010


Based on satellite data that shows the facts of direct observation in comparison with 1970-1997 observation by researchers from the UK, in getting the results about climate change conditions in some areas as follows:

  1. Africa : Declining grain harvests and declining water supplies, desert greening efforts will deteriorate due to decreasing average annual rainfall, especially in southern, northern, and western. Coastal settlements in Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, Egypt and along the east coast of southern Africa will be hit by the increase in sea levels.
  2. Asia : High temperature, drought, floods and soil degradation, increased sea levels and more frequent occurrence of tropical cyclones
  3. Europe : European southern hemisphere more often experience drought, while in other areas of flood disasters have been increasing. Half of glister (rivers of ice) will be lost in the middle of this century. Agricultural productivity in the northern hemisphere increased, while in the southern region decreasing
  4. Latin America : More frequent floods and droughts. Important agricultural products will decline. Who earn their living from agriculture in the eastern Brazil threatened epidemics of malaria and cholera increase
  5. North America : Food production will be profitable by the heating medium, but a decline in prairie Canada and the U.S. plains. Increasing sea levels will increase coastal erosion, flooding and storm waves, particularly in Florida and the Atlantic Coast. Dengue fever, malaria and other widespread in North America, so any deaths from the heat.
  6. Pole : Climate change at the poles in the largest estimate. Area and thickness of Arctic ice cap will decline. This ugly trend will continue. Although greenhouse gases are stabilized, and cause an impact that can not be rectified on the ice, ocean circulation and the world of high sea water.
  7. Small Islands : Sea levels in the prediction will be increased two-tenths of an inch per year over the next hundred years. As a result, increased beach erosion, damage to ecosystems, reduction in land area and natural evicting residents can even drown.