Wednesday 22 September 2010


One issue that is in dealing with Indonesia and many residents are complaining in traffic. This has now become a daily sight in some area roads and major cities in Indonesia. Increasing the number of vehicles that are not proportional to length and width of the road causing traffic jams in most major cities in Indonesia.

Indeed there are a number of policies that have been done to address traffic congestion problems, among them widen roads and build flyovers can solve the traffic congestion. However, this policy only temporarily overcome bottlenecks. Even some circles rate elevated road widening and making more spur growth in the number of vehicles, which in turn is yes still going to make traffic congestion control.
Also widen the road and make the overpass is not environmentally friendly policies. Widening of roads and road construction will always sacrifice a lot of green open land. We have often witnessed any road widening projects in major cities in Indonesia has always been in conjunction with felling trees. Though large cities in Indonesia today is still the lack of trees for a green place

One that can think and in consideration in an effort to overcome traffic jam in Indonesia is by running the system worked telework. In many cities in developed countries, telework system has become integral part of the city government's policies in an effort to address traffic congestion and pollution. Basically, the term telework to direct at on a person's ability to work from his residence or his home. Thus a worker who perform their duties fairly from their residence.
The advantages of telework is the first environmental benefits, the more people who can do telework, the better for the environment. Telework reduces traffic congestion. Reduced traffic congestion will reduce air pollution levels. Imagine every day during working hours we see both the public and private transport vehicles filled the streets to the respective offices.
If only a quarter of the total number of workers in Indonesia could do telework at least this will go down the level of activity in the streets, which means were also lower levels of traffic congestion and air pollution.